Wednesday, December 16, 2015

White-tailed Deer Management | Sanctuaries for Deer on Your Property

Cover, Food, and Protection in a Sanctuary for Deer on your property

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North to south, and east to west there are considerable threats to the deer herd. Among these growing concerns, the top two are hunter access and deer habitat loss. Land to hunt on is hard to come by for hunters, and a good chunk of “decent hunting” public land is sometimes even harder. This means higher hunter densities on the land that can be hunted, putting a lot of pressure on deer. To add to this the land itself is dwindling. Habitat loss, number two on the threat list, has considerably effected today’s deer herd. Increased agricultural lands, less forests, and declines in CRP/early successional habitat are all taking a big toll. These two threats alone spell disaster for a deer, leaving them to seek only one place…a sanctuary. The keywords here are cover, food, diversity, and protection for deer. All can be incorporated into the term “sanctuary” which is a section of your property that you do not hunt, or even walk/drive through for the simple fact of leaving it strictly for the deer.
Kind of sounds like a waste of property, right? Wrong.

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