Thursday, December 17, 2015

Deer Hunting | Keeping a Hunting Journal Can Lead to Success

What Can You Learn From Hunting Journals?

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Some adults flinch at the thought of keeping a journal. No, we’re not talking about a middle school journal where students record their angry feelings (do kids even do that anymore?). We’re talking about a true deer hunting journal, where you can record observations of deer activity, weather conditions, harvests, etc. We’ll get to why this is all important in a little bit.
But to first help illustrate this point, try thinking back to last year alone – do you remember the temperature, wind speed/direction, and moon phase on any given hunt? What about where the deer were coming from and what their behavior was? Can you recall when you noticed the first scrape or rub of the season? I bet the details are already a little hazy, to say nothing about the years before that. If you keep ahunting journal, you can easily recall these details from even decades ago. But first, why would you need to know this information at some point in the future?

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