Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Finding More Deer Antler Sheds │ What You Learn From Finding Deer Sheds

Find Deer Sheds │ Managing Deer By Finding Sheds

By Jeremy Flinn, Professional Deer Biologist
Powered by Stone Road Media

There is just something about finally getting your hands on deer sheds, after watching it walk around on your property all summer, fall, and winter via hunts and trail cameras. It may not quite be like taking that hero shot after an awesome hunt, and your freezer isn’t as packed with protein, but nonetheless it’s still satisfying.  What’s crazy is that by finding sheds, you have the ability to learn more about managing deer on your property.
When a deer sheds its antlers, there are a lot of effects at play causing it. As days begin to lengthen, testosterone levels start to fall which activates enzymes to chew away bone between the antler and the deer’s skull. At the same time, this varies by herd. How? One of the controlling factors of testosterone is the number of receptive does in an area. For many herds, the buck to doe ratio is extremely skewed toward the does. This affects managing the deer herd because does can be “missed” during the breeding season. A missed doe will re-cycle into estrous again every 28 days until bred. Research has shown some will attempt to be bred as late as April! How does a shed tell you this? Well if you aren’t finding sheds, it may not be because the bucks aren’t there but rather that the antlers are still attached. Ever see a buck during early turkey season still holding antlers? It’s likely because of this reason.

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