Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Tag Soup | Deer Hunting for the Average Man

Deer Hunting for the Average Man | Why having ‘tag soup’ at the end of the hunting season isn’t bad

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Another season has come and gone for most deer hunters across North America. For some, it was a season of success and bragging. But for many, it was a year of frustration and what seems to be failure. Like many deer seasons, 2014 was a year of up and downs, and for those who failed to tag their deer, it may not be that bad after all.
For as long as we can remember, success in the field is marked by harvesting a deer. Whether it’s a doe or buck, the fact is that there is something about saying you got one that makes everything about the season seem better. At the end of the year, if you have a tag burning a hole in your pocket, you may think that you failed as a hunter. There’s no lying here, in some cases you have! But what you have to think about is the positives that come about from not harvesting a deer.

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