Thursday, December 17, 2015

Deer Hunting Bows and Guns | Do You Need to Choose One?

Balancing Weapons While Deer Hunting

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As with all things in life, there are some people who are adamant about something they believe in. One group will swear up and down about how their approach is better than anybody else’s, and another group will promise that the opposite is true. This also happens in deer hunting circles. Though there is often overlap between the two, some deer hunters swear by using guns, while others will only use their bows. Is one of these opposing groups correct? Let’s look at the pros and cons of each approach.
Guns – The Modern Method
Most deer hunting enthusiasts grew up with a strong deer camp tradition. Typically, hunters gather together for rifle or shotgun season more so than bow hunting season. This is probably because most gun seasons are short-lived – often no more than a couple weeks. Meanwhile, most bow hunting seasons often last several months, from early fall to mid-winter.

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