Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Trees and Bucks | Timber Stand Improvement for Deer

Timber Stand Improvement for Deer

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For those of you who didn’t tuck tail and run when thinking of anything that has to do with timber harvest, cutting a bit of those good-looking woods down is beneficial for deer. Those beautiful woods you cherish so much are exactly that, Beautiful woods. Clean tall trees that you can see up to 100 yards through. While this might be the ideal woods in your mind, the fact is that deer and wildlife can’t really use it except for the seasonal mast drop.
If you are currently picturing your property then listen up. Right now is when your property matters the most in the deer’s world. The winter months for a deer is life or death day by day. Quality habitat is what is going to push your deer herd to spring. Quality, meaning an abundance of food and cover for the cold and hungry doe, fawn, and rut tattered buck. If your woods are gorgeous then it’s time to do some work.

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