Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Food Plots For Deer and Turkey | Simple, Easy, and Effective Food Plots

Food Plot for Deer and Turkey | Planting Simple and Easy Food Plots

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Planting season might sneak up on the weary and unprepared. Consider yourself warned, the spring and late summer will be here quicker than you think. This season’s arrival will start turning gears in your head, from turkeys to food plots, or maybe both. You will start thinking like many hunters, which dream of a huge tract of prime hunting ground. This dream property is abundant with great access, tillable fields, and beautiful soils. Well wake up! Welcome back to reality. The real world is cruel to you, the enthusiastic and determined hunter. Reality leaves us with little to make our dreams come true. So what can you do? Believe it or not, the simplest and easiest food plot for deer and turkey can also be the most effective!
Many don’t realize that establishing a great food plot for deer and turkey can be very simple and in some cases require little effort. That dream plot is wonderful but lower your expectations if you don’t have heavier equipment. However, you can still put in an effective plot that will meet and possibly exceed your expectations.

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