Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Hunting for the Outdoors with my Chevy Silverado | Get Off the Beaten Path for Turkey Hunting

Hunting with my Chevy Silverado | Turkey Hunting Off the Beaten Path

Bone Collector Staff
Powered by Stone Road Media

The mornings are warmer, and the spring peepers are sounding off. Hints of green are beginning to shine through the bare woods. When the daylight begins to crack, a thundering echo plows through the damp cool morning. The sound of a gobbler letting loose clinched on the limb of a large roosting oak. For many hunters, spring means only one thing…turkey hunting. From calls to guns to shells, there is a lot of equipment that determines the success of turkey hunting. But in order to enhance the effectiveness of all those tools, a hunter needs to escape the crowds and reach out to where the birds of holding. To get off the beaten path, there may be one piece of equipment that is extremely underestimated…your Chevy Silverado.

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