Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Late Season Deer Hunting │ Putting a Last Minute Buck on the Ground

Late Season Success │ Tips You Need to Know

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The late season is an all too often overlooked opportunity by whitetail deer hunters, when in fact it can be an excellent time to catch mature whitetail bucks on their feet and looking for food. Here are a few things you need to know that can help you be successful while deer hunting in the late season.
This time frame, from December- January, is arguably one of the best times to be in the deer woods in pursuit of a big mature whitetail buck. These rut worn, cold, and hungry bucks can be a little easier to pattern and, in the right situation lend themselves to be very susceptible to harvest. Putting cold hours in the deer stand this late into the season can be rewarding. Take note of these tips and head out before the deer season ends.

The Rut

During the late season the rut is winding down, and the post rut is in full swing. Many deer biologists will tell you that there can be a small peak in rut activity towards the beginning of what is referred to as the late season, but for the most part rut activity is minimal. Even with this marginal activity, mature bucks tend to hang around areas that are frequented by does and doe fawns. Light vocalizations such as grunting, bleats and some rattling can still be effective in the right situations. White-tailed deer are for the most part in a transition during this time, and their priorities have shifted from mating to other basic needs such as food and cover. The take home message here is that while you can have some success hunting with rut specific tactics, your best chance is to transition your strategy along with the bucks.

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