Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Deer Hunting | When is the Best Time to Shoot Does?

Doe Management │ When and Why?

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As a whitetail deer hunter you love hunting the rut, it’s the only time a big mature whitetail buck can seem to suddenly materialize in our sights at any second. While putting some bone on the wall is always nice, every deer hunter knows deer huntingis about so much more. Filling the freezer, spending time in the outdoors, managing the herd and habitat, being part of the brotherhood, and the thrill of the hunt all keep us satisfied and obsessed. Late season deer hunting is no different. It is the second round and chance at a little doe management, and can satisfy even the most seasoned whitetail hunter.

Doe Management Deer Hunting | Bone CollectorThe Right Time

If you ask any deer hunter that practices doe management “when is the best time of year to shoot does?”….you will get five different answers, and some unwanted bickering in between.
Overall, there are two main time periods during the deer huntingseason that lends the most benefits as effective doe management. The first time period would be the early archery season. The early season provides easy pickings on unsuspecting and unpressured does. Still on summer patterns, does are fairly easy to kill on green soybean fields and clover plots. Tags can be filled effortlessly during this time period. The second time put aside for doe management is the late season. Many states offer a late antlerless only season, but gun or bow, the late season is undoubtedly your last chance of reaping benefits off of doe harvests. During this time period deer are heavily dependent on food sources, especially during extremely cold, and again does are easily patterned and available for harvest.

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