Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Deep South Deer Hunting | Just Cranking Up

Deer Hunting in the Deep South is Just Getting Warmed Up

By Weston Schrank, Wildlife Biologist
Deer season and the rut in the northern states and the Midwest are coming to an end. The month of December has cooled down these states…maybe this year not in temperature but definitely deer activity. Normally this time of year might have had the Midwest under significant snowfall, but the unseasonably warm temperatures has hunters in early bow season scent control clothes…yes even this late in December. These warm temperatures have sparked rumors and rants of one of the worst deer hunting seasons and whitetail ruts possibly experienced. As we head into January, temperatures are still consistently warm, making plans for the late season hunting frustrating. With a whole lot of commotion up north making it feel hotter than it actually is, the south looks to offer a cooler residence and at this time higher likelihood for an opportunity to harvest a mature buck. It might be time to turn attention to the south…the Deep South.
While the rut passed through the Midwest in November as an intense 2 week period in states like Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana, the far less intense rut of the Deep South is just getting started. Mississippi and Alabama in particular have breeding dates consistent enough to make claim to action heating up in December and staying consistent into mid-February.

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