Tuesday, June 28, 2016

10 Trail Camera Tips | Trail Camera Essentials for the Offseason

10 Trail Camera Tips for Better Results in the Spring and Summer

Do you have your trail cameras out right now? It’s a shocker to learn that over half of you don’t! What’s wrong with you? Do you not like velvet bucks, fawns, food plots, minerals, and growing antlers? Or is the problem not the enthusiasm, rather the glue between your rump and the couch? If that’s the case get moving, get your trail cameras out, and follow these 10 trail camera tips!
Why is it important to have trail cameras out during the spring and summer? Besides keeping a close eye on your property during the offseason, trail cameras could be telling you a lot about bucks, fawn recruitment, and overall the health of your deer herd.Velvet bucks are in strict patterns between food and bedding areas, this is an opportune moment to place a trail camera out to watch growing velvet, learn individual’s behavior, and potentially learn the pattern for an early season hunt. Besides velvet bucks, fawns are growing. Having trail cameras out right now and later this summer could tell you how the fawn recruitment is coming along on your property, or reveal some serious predator issues.

Getting the Right Camera

Trophy Cam HD – Three Times Faster with Michael Waddell
(Video) With their unprecedented 0.2 trigger speed, Bushnell Trophy Cam HD trail cameras are now three times faster.
Game cameras, deer cameras, or trail cameras, whatever term you prefer have come a long way, even in the last 5 years. They are continuously getting better image quality, highly preferred settings, and now can directly send the pictures to your cell phone!
Before setting up trail cameras this summer take a serious look at your inventory. Does your trail camera pile look like a rag tag group of rebels defying their limited lifespan? Meaning, if your trail cameras barely work, are questionable if they will even turn on, and have about a 25% chance of taking a picture…it might be time to upgrade.
Here is the latest and greatest from our friends over at Bushnell.

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