Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Spring Outdoor Trifecta | Turkey Hunting, Trout, and Morels

How You Can Enjoy All Three Wild Edibles

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Have you ever stepped into the woods filled with the hope of harvesting the spring trifecta? You probably don’t recognize it by that name, but we bet you’ve thought about all of the activities involved once the snow disappears and the temperature starts to climb.
If you’re wondering what we’re talking about when we say “spring trifecta,” it includes turkey hunting, trout fishing, and foraging wild edibles like morel mushrooms. That’s a tall order, and most would consider it a personal challenge to accomplish in a single day. It’s very easy to let the optimism of a beautiful spring morning convince you of your outdoor prowess. But finishing all three in even a single weekend can be a real challenge.
But if you can manage to do so, you can enjoy the ultimate satisfaction that goes along with taking and harvesting all three natural and renewable resources while feeding your family the perfect outdoor spring feast. If you’re up to the challenge, we’ve got the steps you should take for each activity outlined below. Study up and then get out into the woods near you for the amazing opportunity that we are privileged to have in this country. If you’re successful, you’ll also find tips at the bottom of the article to prepare your bounty and amaze whoever partakes in your feast.

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